Yesterday afternoon, I was working from home, and suddenly my computer screen froze. I tried to refresh the web page a couple of times, but nothing happened. My internet was down! I checked my phone, and sure enough, no Wi-Fi. It seemed like a Nextlink internet outage.
First, I did the usual – unplugged the router and modem, waited for about a minute, and then plugged them back in. I was hoping it was just a minor hiccup, but no luck. The internet light on the modem was still blinking red.
Troubleshooting Steps
- Power Cycle: I unplugged both the router and modem again. This time, I waited a bit longer, maybe two full minutes. Then, I plugged the modem back in first, waited for it to fully boot up, and then plugged in the router. Still nothing.
- Check Cables: I inspected all the cables to make sure everything was securely connected. I even swapped out the Ethernet cable between the modem and router, just in case. No loose connections, and the new cable didn’t help either.
- Check for Outages: I grabbed my phone and, using my mobile data, checked the Nextlink website. I couldn’t find any specific reports about a widespread outage in my area.
At this point, I was starting to get frustrated. I had a bunch of work to do, and being offline was not an option. I decided to give Nextlink customer support a call. After waiting on hold for what felt like forever, I finally got through to a representative.
The rep asked me a few basic questions about my setup and then guided me through some more troubleshooting steps. We tried a few different things, but nothing seemed to work. Finally, the rep said they would need to send a technician out to my place.
Unfortunately, the earliest appointment they had was for the next day. So, I was stuck without internet for the rest of the day. I ended up using my phone as a hotspot to get some work done, but it was slow and frustrating.
The next day, the technician arrived and quickly diagnosed the problem. It turned out to be an issue with the outdoor connection box. He fixed it in about an hour, and finally, my internet was back up and running!
It was a pain to deal with, but I learned a few things from this experience. First, always check for reported outages in your area before going through too much troubleshooting. Second, be patient with customer support; they’re there to help. And third, having a backup plan, like a mobile hotspot, can be a lifesaver during an internet outage.