Okay, here’s my experience with “trading passion ltd internet ca”, hope you guys find it helpful.
So I was looking into this company, trading passion ltd internet ca, a while back. I mean, who hasn’t heard of them, right? They are everywhere online. First thing I did was try to dig up some dirt on them. You know, the usual – who are they, what do they do, are they legit, stuff like that.
I started with a simple search, just to see what popped up. Found a bunch of articles, some dating back to 2024. One even mentioned a book by some guy named Andrew Aziz. I skimmed through it, didn’t really get much out of it, you know how technical jargon can be.
- Tried looking for company info, like who owns them, their competitors. That was a dead end. Not much out there, or at least not easily accessible.
- Then I thought, maybe there are some complaints or reviews out there. Found one where someone had issues with shipping.
- This person had to deal with Paypal to get a refund because of a shipping issue to Singapore. Sounds like a hassle, right? They had to send something back to Singapore to get their money back. That made me a bit cautious, to be honest.
So, after all that, I decided to give it a shot anyway. Filled out their forms, submitted my info, and waited.
I ended up learning that it’s quite complicated to work with them. And I did not get the results I expected. So I did not really go through with it.
Overall, it wasn’t a great experience. Maybe it’s just me, but I felt like it was a bit of a letdown.
Anyway, that’s my two cents on this whole trading passion ltd internet ca thing. Do your own research, and don’t just take my word for it. Everyone’s experience is different, right?